Released February 2009 from MLR Press
Pairing: m/m
This story is both available in the anthology as well as on its own in ebook.
Available in ebook at ARe – anthology
Available in ebook at ARe – single story
Kindle and print anthology at Amazon
NOOK single book at Barnes & Noble
Print anthology at Barnes & Noble
NOOK anthology at Barnes & Noble
This is a very cool anthology. Kimberly Gardner and JP Bowie are the other authors.
A little bit of cross dressing action. This excerpt isn’t exactly sexy maybe, but I think it gives a nice idea of the dynamic between Shawn and Roscoe before the true romance starts.
BTW, Shawn is in COLLEGE so he’s old enough to be in one of my stories.
Switch roles? Roscoe may be a brilliant director, but Sean wants no part of this crazy idea. But when Roscoe suggests that Sean and his leading lady swap Beatrice for Benedict in their college’s production of Much Ado About Nothing, everyone else thinks it’s a terrific idea. Trapped by peer pressure and the awareness that Roscoe usually knows what he’s doing, Sean accepts the challenge only to quickly discover that he likes wearing skirts, both on and off stage. Even more than that, he likes the director’s reaction when he flashes a little leg.
©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
Bonnie held Shawn’s upper arms, staring down into his eyes. “With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest / I love thee.”
Shawn clutched at her elbows, lowering his gaze and twisting his head to the side, facing the audience. “Why, then, God forgive me!”
Bonnie cupped Shawn’s jaw with her palm, urging his face upward. “What offence, sweet Beatrice?”
“You have stayed me in a happy hour: I was about to / protest I loved you.” Shawn let his voice go breathy just before raising his eyes to meet Bonnie’s.
She put her arms around him, pulling him closer. “And do it with all thy heart.”
He put his arms around her, smiling. “I love you with so much of my heart that none is / left to protest.”
Bonnie leaned down, tilting her head for the kiss.