Skirt – part 1

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Skirt

This story was originally posted to Fiction with Friction in October 2008

This one’s rated X folks. NOT SAFE FOR WORK


©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved


“Eat all that and we won’t have any left for the kids.”

“So?” Finn plucked another bite-sized Snickers from the bowl. “There aren’t that many kids this year anyway.”

His mother gave him a wistful look. “I miss the days when you’d go out trick or treating.”

Finn laughed, crumpling waxed paper as he popped the chocolate treat into his mouth. “That was a long time ago, mom.”

She smoothed her hand over his hair, sighing. “I know.”

He flinched away. “Watch it, you’re gonna mess up the do.” Continue reading Skirt – part 1

Candy – Skirt part 2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Skirt

Originally posted on Fiction with Friction in 2008.

Since Finn and his skirt was rather a hit around Halloween, thought I’d bring him and Jeff back for the December holidays. Besides, he showed me his new costume and I couldn’t resist.

Story is quite X-rated. NOT SAFE FOR WORK


©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

Jeff rounded the corner then slowed his car down in front of the one story blue house that was nearly hidden behind mostly well groomed trees and shrubbery. He considered getting out and going up paved walkway to the front door, but decided against it. Finn had told him to text when he got there and had been adamant that he not come to the door.  Since the last thing he wanted was to piss Finn off when he hadn’t seen him for three weeks, he stopped the car, left it running for the heat, and pulled out his cell to send a text to the amazingly cute guy who he’d sort of been seeing for two months now.

Continue reading Candy – Skirt part 2

Family Issues – Skirt part 3

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Skirt

Originally posted on Fiction with Friction in 2009.

Since I raised the curiosity of problems with Finn’s family, guess I have to deliver, huh? So here’s Finn and Jeff again. No cute little costume this time. Hope you’ll like it anyway


©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

He’s going to kill me. I should drive around for awhile. But Jeff turned down Finn’s street and stopped his car in front of Finn’s house. He was early. Finn wouldn’t be ready.

He’s going to kill me. But Jeff did it anyway. He picked up the two boxes of candy off the passenger seat and got out of the car. A cold February breeze brushed him but it wasn’t enough to prompt him to pull his overcoat out of the backseat. Besides, he was plenty warm with anticipation.

Taking a breath, he headed up the path toward the front door. He hadn’t been this close to the house since Halloween. What would he find on the other side? Finn still hadn’t allowed him to meet any of his family. Jeff knew he lived with his parents and his younger sister, but that was about it. Finn was so very good at deflecting any kind of discussion about his family that it was hard for Jeff to get a conversation started. He had meant to push the point over New Years’ but ended up not having the heart to rain on what turned out to be a fabulous weekend. And since… He’d tried, and failed. What he was doing now was perhaps not the best idea, but he figured it would at least force some kind of talk. He hoped to God it wouldn’t be a break up talk. Continue reading Family Issues – Skirt part 3

Hiding Place – Skirt part 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Skirt

Originally posted on Fiction with Friction in 2009.

Nothing of too much substance, but Finn and Jeff are back 🙂

NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Fair warning.


©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

“Jeez, you’re bad at this.”

Jeff rolled his eyes with a grin. He couldn’t see the teasing grin that would go with that tone on Finn’s face. The same one that’d been there all morning since Finn had wakened long before Jeff and used the time to hide all of the two dozen eggs they’d dyed the night before.

Sighing, Jeff shot Finn a glare then got to his knees beside the recliner in the corner. There was that grin on Finn’s delicious pink lips, accompanied by a quick pucker to throw him a kiss. Muttering good-naturedly to himself, Jeff got on his hands to look under the chair. Finn had denied him of all but the briefest of kisses since he’d had his morning coffee, insisting that Jeff find all the eggs first.

There. He reached into the dust beneath the chair to extract a pastel blue egg. “Y’know, I didn’t like egg hunting as a kid.”

Finn gasped. “How the hell can you not like hunting for Easter eggs?”

“My brother,” he set the egg on the table beside him then hunkered down again. Finn had hidden two eggs under the bookcase so it wasn’t beyond reason that he’d done the same here. “He was always better at it and the competition was fierce.” Nope, no eggs. He straightened up to his knees. “I think my parents cheated for him.”

Finn laughed gaily, squirming in his seat on the couch. He looked damn adorable. Not that he didn’t always, but he’d pulled on a frilly blue and white skirt that looked like part of a Bo Peep costume and wore fuzzy white rabbit slippers on the feet he had tucked up under him. He was shirtless but wore a lacy collar and cuffs to match the skirt. His silky black hair was pulled into two tails on either side of his head, both held by more bits of lace. Not being able to touch him was mostly what spurred Jeff on in the hunt. Continue reading Hiding Place – Skirt part 4