Welcome to Rosenton

Rose Family ChroniclesMany have asked me to write more about Heaven Sent. I tried to keep up to date with the boys in the Indigo Knights series, but those were only glimpses and, I’ve been told, not enough. To be honest, I too have wanted to revisit the boys, but I didn’t want to mess with their happily ever afters. So, what to do? Well, how about writing it all over again in a different setting. Sort of fan fiction but by the author herself.

In the Rose Family Chronicles, I’ll be re-telling the story of some familiar couples. I plan to at least tell the stories for Johnnie and Tyler, Darien and Chris, Luc and Reese, Brent and Hell and Gretchen, Owen and Archer. Same guys, same loves, mostly the same characters but… different.

There is the Rose family. Or, rather, the Rose earldom. The new Earl of Rose is Johnathan, the eldest of four siblings. His sister Gretchen is next in line, then the twins Brent and Reese. They live at Rose Hall in Rosenton, which is a theater town a few hours’ train ride from the capital city Doncaster. The butler at Rose Hall is Mr. Christopher Faith. Tyler shows up in book 1, first as a footman then as a valet (hence the title). Darien also shows up as a footman. Luc and Hell? Stay tuned. Although, take a look at the picture in this post. Luc looks rather dapper, does he not?

Sound like fun? It hope so. I had fun writing book 1, despite the fact that the historical aspects were far more detailed than I expected. This series is not historically accurate. I borrowed from history but altered it a lot. For those of you who don’t enjoy historicals, I hope it’s light enough that you’ll give it a try. For those who do enjoy historicals, I hope I’ve done it justice.

Alternate Reality Heaven Sent

Okay, contract is signed so I feel comfy talking about it now.

The Rose Family Chronicles will be familiar for readers of Heaven Sent. Why? Because it’s the same characters. Yep, In Rose Family Chronicles 1: Valet, Johnnie and Tyler start things off again except this time Johnnie is the Earl of Rose. Within the Rose family are his sister Gretchen and his twin brothers Brent and Reese. Tyler is a middle class man who comes to Rose Hall looking for job and lands one, first as a footman, then as Johnnie’s personal valet. You can guess the general path of the story from there. All the principles will show up eventually, and a lot of the secondary characters have been repurposed as well.

The setting is somewhat historical. Why somewhat? Because, dear readers, I am not a history buff. I dabble in the details, swipe freely from other periods when I deem necessary, then outright change and make up anything I think I can get away with.

I’ve had fun writing it. My beta readers have had fun reading it. I hope, in the next few months when it comes out, you’ll enjoy it too.

Stay tuned for more details on the release date.

Baseball Dad

Originally posted on Fiction with Friction

New characters this time. Hope you like it.


©2009 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

Sure, he’d said, I can take Baxter home. No problem.

Jess swallowed, trying not to grip the steering wheel too hard. Beside him, the eight year old chattered on about the baseball game his dad was taking him to the next night, listing all the players he was going to see, their stats as well as his personal opinions about them. Jess listened with half an ear, enough to keep up with the conversation, but not enough to silence his inner panic.

He still remembered the feel of Loren Pointer’s hand when he shook Jess’s the other night to thank him for the offer. Jess and his roommate and another buddy from college coached Baxter’s Little League team. Loren had to work late all that week and had asked if there were any arrangements that could be made, since his ex-wife worked late afternoons. Jess had readily made the offer to provide transportation for one of his best players. See? Perfectly innocent. It had nothing to do with the fact that Jess wanted to fall to his knees whenever he saw Loren and beg to suck his cock. The fact that his ass clenched in longing whenever the man talked did not influence his offer at all. The rumors that Loren was gay — thus the reason for his divorce — didn’t pique Jess’s mostly-in-the-closet curiosity at all.

Right. Continue reading Baseball Dad

Stay – Wonderland 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Wonderland

Originally posted on Fiction with Friction

Graphic sex ahead. NOT SAFE FOR WORK


©2010 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

Grant didn’t often wake with company. His trysts, both male and female, tended toward fun and fast with no strings attached. In fact, he was known as a go-to guy for a casual fuck among his friends and co-workers. Perhaps not the best reputation to have, but it worked for him.

So it was really weird to wake up with Nicky in his bed.

But, it was what it was and he couldn’t say he was sorry. He watched the way the late morning light suffused the gold of Nicky’s cheek and the smooth curve of his bare shoulder. He admired the drape of the black sheets over Nicky’s midriff and studied the casual grasp of long fingers on the sheet corner he held to his chest. Dusky pink lips were parted for breath and long black lashes curled over his cheeks.


He tried, but he lost the battle. As quietly as he could, Grant got out of bed and rushed into the other room to retrieve one of his cameras. He returned with the digital, flipping the screen on the back into place as he carefully knelt on the mattress. The lighting was perhaps a touch dark but not enough that he needed to flip on a lamp. Besides, shadows often made the image.

He snapped a few photos, feeling only a little guilty. He’d tell Nicky about these, of course, and he’d delete them if the other man insisted. He just hoped Nicky didn’t insist because these were wet dream material. Continue reading Stay – Wonderland 4

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