A few people have written and asked me about the Sacred Bands issue of Forbidden Love. Well, it didn’t come out today. I’m not sure when it’ll come out. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
I’ll post here if I find out anything. Stay tuned!
A few people have written and asked me about the Sacred Bands issue of Forbidden Love. Well, it didn’t come out today. I’m not sure when it’ll come out. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
I’ll post here if I find out anything. Stay tuned!
This is a preview of a short story that was published in the Sacred Bands issue of the Forbidden Love journal from Under the Moon.
Available from Under the Moon.
Artwork by Anne Cain
(updated excerpt from earlier post. Changed after editing)
© 2007 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
“Damn it,” Joshua muttered, spinning at the sound of running footsteps at his back. He brought his weapon on guard and faced the next man who wanted to try and take down the pirate captain. This time he kept only cleared deck and bodies to his back, taking on the two that came at him, parrying ably with the cutlass, enough to keep one at bay and flick the tip of his rapier across the face of the other. Continue reading EXCERPT – Pirate’s Boy (updated)
It’s so purty! Isn’t Chris sexy? *bg*
The magnificent PL Nunn has done right by me and the Heaven Sent boys, yet again.
The lovely Anne Cain has blessed me again. The pic below is a small version of the artwork she’s completed for my short story Pirate’s Boy, which will be in the Sacred Bands issue of Forbidden Love, a journal put out by Under the Moon.
Isn’t it lovely?!
The lovely Elisa has chosen to spotlight me on her blog this month: http://romancebooks.splinder.com/
I am honored and tickled pink about it. Not only because Elisa is a fan of my work, but also because she’s taken the time (and a lot of it by the looks of it!) to translate the excerpts for the Heaven Sent books into her native Italian. It’s so COOL to see my words in another language. I hope it translates well *bg*
Thank you, Elisa!!
If you’ve seen this livejournal, you know that these two aren’t at all afraid to say what they like and don’t like. I also don’t agree with some of their other reviews of stories that I’ve read and liked, but to each their own, right?
However, while not everything they said about Heaven, Purgatory and Hell was terrific, I can appreciate what they had to say. On the whole, I thought the reviews were rather favorable and I was pleased to see it.
Isn’t she pretty?!
My sincere thanks goes to PL Nunn of Bishonenworks for the loveliness!!
Same two stories from the print books, it’s just Heaven and Purgatory combined.
Join the ladies of the League of Amazing Writers on our Yahoo group on Friday, July 13th for an all day chat talking about our backlist books (and probably our new books too *wink*)
Friday, July 13th. All Day