EXCERPT: One For The Team

This title is no longer available as of June 2018.


© 2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

“He always was a cocksucker,” announced Jason, pouring the last of the beer from the pitcher into his thick plastic mug. His spiky blond hair glowed orange in the dark parlor lights around us. “I’m sorry I ever introduced you to him, Jen.”

“Yeah.” Bart sat up straight, raised two fingers to his lips, and whistled. When the bartender looked our way, he pointed at the empty pitcher, then held up two fingers. He reached out with one long arm and snatched up the last slice of sausage and olives. “Pussy too. Throws like a girl.” Continue reading EXCERPT: One For The Team

Nera & Prince update

Or rather, lack thereof. I just wanted to acknowledge those who’ve asked for more. I hear you, I do. But I haven’t gotten back to it yet. I’ll remind you that there’s a warning at the beginning of that one that I didn’t know where it was going.

I would like to try and get back to it soon, as well as the WK fanfic and a few other projects. I hope that cutting back to part time on the EDJ will give me some time for this. However, contracted work first! 🙂

And bless you all for asking! I’m thrilled you’re into the story, although I think ya’ll are seeing it a little differently than I do/did LOL

Two new images

yes, count ’em, two! *gasp*!

Sorry I’ve been lax in the image dept lately, folks. Home renovations and the dreaded Real Life have made things difficult for me in the visual artwork arena. I’m hoping that that hiatus is almost at an end.

Meantime, two pics. One for the smex and the other to introduce a new character.

New character is Fallil from the upcoming Dark Elves 5:


And a gratuitous m/m/m scene


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