#MusicMonday #bandslash blog tour – interview with Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea

And now, for the #bandslash tour, I’m hosting Piper Vaughn & MJ O’Shea who’re talking about book 3 in the Lucky Moon series, Moonstruck.

(NOTE: I’ve included links to the YouTube videos in case the embedding doesn’t work).


Author links

Piper: http://pipervaughn.com

MJ: http://mjoshea.com


Five about the authors

1. Who are you, and where do you come from?

Piper Vaughn. I grew up in Chicago, IL and live in a suburb about 30 minutes outside of the city right now. My co-author, MJ O’Shea, is from Washington State.


2. What inspires you?

Everything. It sounds like a generic answer, but it’s true. Everything in my day to day life inspires my writing—music, movies, the news, other books, seeing something at the grocery store, overhearing a conversation. The list goes on and on. 🙂


3. Describe your writing style in three words:

Sexy. Sweet. Romantic. Continue reading #MusicMonday #bandslash blog tour – interview with Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea

Bandslash Blog Tour

From Cocktales & Hot Sauce

#bandslash Blog Tour

on #MusicMonday

Collected for your wicked delight, a knock-out line-up of M/M Romance authors, male/male slash and erotica writers, all givingyou exclusive VIP access to their new ‘bandfic’ releases/rock band series, and what inspires their stories!

Welcome to #bandslash

The tour kickstarts with an awesome FREE giveaway, and will end in 8 weeks time with yet another fantastic giveaway of FREE ebooks from the authors.
Don’t miss this chance to enter; check out the free-to-enter competition on the Babes in Boyland blog, going live on Monday 4th February 2013. See below…

Tour Dates!!

Monday 4th February – Check out the Babes in Boyland blog whoare hosting Jet Mykles (Heaven Sent/Indigo Knights series) and kickstarting the tour with a fabulous ebook giveaway!

(Ebook prizes from: Jet Mykles, Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea, Meredith Shayne, and BL Morticia!)

Monday 11th February – Jet Mykles hosts co-authors Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea (Lucky Moon series).

Monday 18th February – Meredith Shayne hosts co-authors Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid (Black Gold series).

Monday 25th February – Clancy Nacht hosts Meredith Shayne (Metal Heart).


Monday 4th March – SJ Frost hosts BL Morticia (The Wretched series).

Monday 11th March – BL Morticia hosts SJ Frost (Conquest series).

Monday 18th March – ZAllora Allora hosts Melanie Tushmore (Crucifox series).

Monday 25th March – Melanie Tushmore hosts ZAllora Allora (Dark Angels/Made In China series), and final giveaway Wrap Party with your chance to win FREE ebooks from the authors!

(Ebook prizes from: SJ Frost, Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid, ZAllora Allora, and Melanie Tushmore!)


And be sure to follow all the #bandslash authors on twitter for up to date news, and join in the chat.

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #bandslash !








@coreyPWretch  or  @rawiyamikembl


My Favorite Tools

Cue Julie Andrews singing ‘Raindrops on rose and whiskers on kittens…’

OK, it’s not all like that, but it’s similar. Every writer has tools, whether they think of them as such or not. I’ve definitely developed a software toolkit that I use faithfully, so I thought I’d share.

First and foremost, there’s Scrivener. Discovery of this gorgeous, affordable little writing program got me to buy my first MacBook. Honest. Continue reading My Favorite Tools

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

I got trapped… uh, tagged in a blog hop by the great and powerful Popess of Angst Ally Blue last week. You really should check it out to read about her new sci-fi story Hell’s EndI’ve read it. Very cool.

Here’s how it works. Each author answers ten questions about their book — either a work in progress or an upcoming release — and tags five other authors who talk about their own books the next week, link back to the author who tagged them and tag five new authors. And so on, and so on, and so on.

So, me? Here’s some info on my work in progress, Indigo Knights 3: Lance. Yes. I am working on it.

1: What is the working title of your book?

As stated above, Indigo Knights 3: Lance.

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?
Easy. The previous 2 books in this series and the 10 in the Heaven Sent series. Lance is the bass player in my second band and he’s very quiet and reserved. Which, incidentally, makes him a frickin’ PITA to write! His significant other is Gordon, the manager of the Knights. They’ve got a history that pre-dates Lance joining the band, so the first half of the book actually goes back in time a few years.

3: What genre does your book fall under?
Contemporary. I still call them yaoi since I like to think both series owe a lot to the genre.

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Oh good God! I wouldn’t.

Ok, if pressed… *thinks hard, smoke streaming from ears*

For Lance, a young James Spader with long hair. Quiet, thoughtful, always watching. I know he wasn’t always like that but he did it well when he was.

For Gordon, Ben Affleck. That handsome, sure-of-himself presence. The guy who smiles a lot and who can talk to anyone.

Neither of those choices are anywhere near perfect, btw. I’ve yet to see any man who met my ideal for any of the Heaven Sent or Indigo Knights boys.

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Lance screwed up his relationship with Gordon in the past, can he convince Gordon to take him back?

6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
IK3 will be available through Loose Id, like the rest. At least, I assume so. I haven’t signed a contract yet but they know the book’s coming.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
*Groan* I’m still going. I started this one right after I finished Champion middle of last year. Seriously started going around GRL in October. But this one is kicking my ass and I’m still maybe halfway through. Many rewrites have already ensued. I may not have any hair left after this one.

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I think this one will compare with the rest of the books in the two series. I’ve tried to remain faithful to the feel of it.

9: Who or What inspired you to write this book?
Other than the previous books? I started the Heaven Sent series as a nod to my love of being a fan. I won’t say that Heaven Sent is patterned after my favorite band, because they’re not really. But the love and obsession that I fawned all over my band inspired me to make up the perfection that is Heaven Sent.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
I’m not sure what to say. It’s kind of hard when you’re twelve books into a series. I think Lance is different. Closest comparison might be Hell. Lance and Brent share certain similarities in that they’re more quiet than their band mates.

So there you have it. A little about Lance and Gordon. I damn well hope to be done with the book in the next few months. Wish me luck!

Now, my tags. I don’t have five. I’m just not that social. Sorry.

The absolutely unconditional Cherie Noel.

The delightfully zany Z.A. Maxfield.

Romantic adventurer Cynnara Tregarth.

Pretty boy appreciator Z Allora.

Discussion with my Muses

me: That was so much fun!

Luc: (strolls up, clapping) Brava.

me: (hugs him, excited) I haven’t had a day of writing like that for a long time. I miss world building.

Luc: It is what you seem to like best.

me: True. Contemporaries are so… confining. I get to make up all the rules in a fantasy world.

Luc: (chuckles) Whatever you say.

me: What are you wearing?

Luc: I’m not sure? Is this Victorian or western?

He’s wearing a blousey white shirt with long buttoned cuffs, a fitted, cream waistcoat (i.e. vest) and snug denim jeans that disappear into knee high black boots. The auburn hair is a little longer than normal, pulled back in a queue that dangles a third of the way down his back with plenty of lovely tendrils that have escaped to frame his face. At least one knife is visible, a nasty one in a sheath strapped to his right thigh.

Reese: (seated with legs crossed on a table nearby) Whatever it is, you look good. Continue reading Discussion with my Muses

Correction: New Leashed print

After posting about it late, turns out I also gave wrong information about the new Leashed print volume. At least, about the link to Amazon that I provided.

The link below leads to the page for the PRINT volume that contains both stories 1 and 2. But the KINDLE link on the page is only for story #2. The cover art is the same, but the title text is different.

I’m very, very sorry for any confusion.

Official site for author Jet Mykles