Lisabea has featured me today on her website Nose in a Book.
Lisabea has featured me today on her website Nose in a Book.
Or rather, lack thereof. I just wanted to acknowledge those who’ve asked for more. I hear you, I do. But I haven’t gotten back to it yet. I’ll remind you that there’s a warning at the beginning of that one that I didn’t know where it was going.
I would like to try and get back to it soon, as well as the WK fanfic and a few other projects. I hope that cutting back to part time on the EDJ will give me some time for this. However, contracted work first! 🙂
And bless you all for asking! I’m thrilled you’re into the story, although I think ya’ll are seeing it a little differently than I do/did LOL
For those of you who’re Fictionwise buffs, Fox and Dragon is now available there
Full time writing, that is. Come May, I go part time at the EDJ
I blogged about it at Fiction with Friction this week
Go me! *happy dances*
You’ll notice that there’s a new banner for the website. I simply had to make use of this wonderful piece of artwork by Anne Cain. I commissioned her to do a pic for me of Salin and Radin and I must say that she did a flipping-fanTABULOUS job of it!! I’m still in awe. And she’s such a sweetheart that she’s allowed me to use it for my banner. I couldn’t be more pleased.
Sorry folks. Something seems to have gone haywire with my image gallery. Until I get a chance to look at it–which won’t be for a few days–there are no piccies.
My sincere apologies. Stay tuned for me to fix it. (ah, the joys of being your own webmaster!)
Faith got a recommended read from Joyfully Reviewed!
Wow, that’s 3 out of 4 of the main titles that got recommended reads. Pretty cool!
Here’s a link to the official rules for the Loose Id June Bash
Come join us for fun!
I put up my first blog entry on Fiction with Friction today. This is a new blog that I’m doing together with JL Langley, Ally Blue, LM Prieto Laura Baumbach and Willa Okati.