June 15 to 21 is our next round of freebie fiction at Fiction with Fiction. I, for one, think it’ll be interesting what we come up with the theme for Father’s Day.
Category Archives: free stories
FWF Boys Gone Wild – Hiding Place
Finn and Jeff make another appearance for Easter with Finn’s different version of an egg hunt in Hiding Place.
Fiction with Friction – Spring Ficlets – Boys Gone Wild
Join us at Fiction with Friction for another week of fiction, this time with the idea of Spring Break in mind. See how the FWF authors depict “Boys Gone Wild”, Monday April 6th through Sunday April 12th.
Cross His Heart – Family Issues
The continuing saga of Finn and Jeff has been posted to Fiction with Friction.
FWF Valentine’s Day fiction – Cross His Heart
FWF Between Celebrations – Candy
Since Finn and his skirt was rather a hit around Halloween, thought I’d bring him and Jeff back for the December holidays. Besides, he showed me his new costume and I couldn’t resist.
Story is quite X-rated.
FWF Between Celebrations Fiction
So much can happen in that time after the rush of Christmas and Hannukah and before the excitement of the New Year. Join the ladies of Fiction with Friction as we try to help fill in the gap with a week of excerpts and free fiction.
FWF Thanksgiving Fic: Holiday Nerves
Not terribly in depth, but I think it’s cute
FWF Thanksgiving – Bring on the Meat
We just finished Halloween but we’re about to do it again. Join us on Fiction with Friction for a week of fiction and excerpts for the American Thanksgiving. Mine gets to end the week this time, on the 29th.
Helluvaween – Skirt
I’ve started off the Fiction with Friction Helluvaween ficlets. ‘Tis X-rated, naughty me.