Category Archives: chatter

Over The Top

I have been accused, on occasion, of writing characters who are over the top. I don’t, by the way, at all mind this accusation. I just think it’s noteworthy. I like over the top characters. In moderation, of course. Too many or too much can be overwhelming, but if you’ve got the right outlandish character in the mix, then they tend to keep things interesting.

Take Justin from Just For You. He’s nearly a queen. Not quite, but he wouldn’t have far to go if he so chose. I could, for instance, see him cross dressing without batting an eye about it. I know he wears clothing that some would consider OTT. But I think Justin was a rather balanced character, actually. His OTT glossed over a very thoughtful man who’d been hurt in the past and chose not to dwell on it and move on.

And Johnnie from Heaven Sent. OMG, isn’t he OTT? But he should be. A lead singer in a rock band has to forge ahead and thump people over the head with how very special he and his band are. But, again, the OTT was a gloss. It’s his job and he loves it, plays it to the hild 24/7. But once Tyler figured all that out, he found the warm, mushy center underneath and that’s what’s special about Johnnie. Strange to realize that he’s so very loyal but he’s really a puppy dog underneath all the glitz. Hmm, let’s not tell him I said that, shall we?

Mustn’t forget Hell from Heaven Sent either. I figure Hell’s been small and cute all his life so he decided early on to work it rather than regret it.  But that doesn’t mean that’s all he is. The imp rather likes throwing people off and scaring those who think he’s a Kewpie doll without a brain. Don’t let the lavender hair fool you.

There’s also Ki from Tech Support. Again, here’s a guy with a forceful personality who takes life by the horns and charges ahead. He sees no particular reason to deny himself or to let what he wants slip through his fingers. Is he an ass about about? Well, yes, sometimes.

And then there’s my favorite elf, Radin. Not sure you can get much more over the top and arrogant than he, but he’s got the stuff to back it up. He just is that powerful and that charming. I know, I created him LOL

Shows a certain amount of strength to be over the top. Can be annoying, sure and can make your teeth itch, but they get the job done. I think my OTT characters are my alternative to the overpowering alpha males many authors write. Now, let me say with conviction that there is nothing wrong with alpha males. I’ve read many a story with alpha males and enjoyed them. But, to use one of my favorite phrases, they make my teeth itch. Many times, I can’t decide if I want to fuck them or shoot them. It’s the nature of the beast. I’m just not great at writing that kind of character. Closest I’ve gotten are a few elves — Salin and Krael come to mind — Michael from Leashed and Drake from Fox and Dragon. But I don’t think even they really fit the bill.

So, over the top? Sure. That’s my thing and proud of it.

New year, strange year

I’ve been published now for five years. I now have 31 published works at three different publishers. Not bad. I’m pretty proud of that.

Since the start, I’ve had plans. I’m not talking about life plans or even really myself. I’ve had story plans. Began with the Dark Elves. It wasn’t solid, but I did have an idea of sequels when I wrote Taken and Mastered. Once I met Radin, I had things I wanted to do to… uh, with him. Then came the Leashed books. I have plans for Meg and the boys. Okay, Leashed 4 is giving me fits at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a general aim for them. Then, of course, came the boys from Heaven Sent and they proceeded to take over my life.

2005: I wrote about elves and shapeshifters and my first yaoi.

2006: Heaven Sent took over my life but I still got in some elves and shifters.

2007: I tried some new stuff but mainly stuck with the main three series

2008: Even more new stuff but started with pretty much finishing Heaven Sent. Oh yeah, Revelations came along later but I’ll always admit that one’s an add on. The main arc ended with Genesis.

Now that was strange. And end. It felt good but it was also really weird. People have asked me since if I’ll write more about the boys and I did introduce a new sequel series that I still plan to write. But still, it was an end. But the elves and the shapeshifters were still going.

2009: wrote another Heaven Sent because Gretchen wouldn’t be denied. Wrote Sursein Judgment and I do hope to write at least one more book in that series. But the big accomplishment was finishing the Dark Elves series.

Again, strange. Another end. To be honest, I was glad to see that particular end. I love that world, but it wrecked me. It felt really good to finally get to the glimmer of end that I saw way back in 2005. Pretty neat.

So now it’s 2010 and I’ve only got one series left. I’ve still got lots of potential with Leashed, but I’m finding more and more plot and less and less erotic as I’m writing Leashed 4. I’m told that’s a good thing by my readers, but Loose Id is an erotic romance publisher. I’ve got to have some of it. Oh, don’t worry, it does have some, at least so far, but there’s more.

I grew up on series books. I lived for fantasy books during school. I wouldn’t read a book unless it was at least part of a trilogy. So I feel strange now just working on one.

Huh. Guess it’s time to get serious about the Indigo Knights and try and think up something new.

Summer Fun

Thanks, Katrina!

Fun stuff, having Katrina here. She and I seem to share the same tastes in books. At least books about hot men doing other men. The excerpt for Off the Beaten Path certainly has me wanting to read more! Katrina and I have even both recently been into steampunk type stories. I wrote Sursein Judgment and Katrina’s written Slight of Hand. I know both of us are looking to do more steampunk or — as Ciar Cullen recently dubbed the softer side of steampunk — “softsteam”. Maybe sometime in the future the stars will align and we can be in an anthology or a series together.

Ah summer. Time of heat. Since I live in southern California and have all of my life, I’m well acquainted with the beast. I just realized that I don’t have many stories that deal much with the season or time of year. Oh, I mention the passing of time in the Heaven Sent books, sure, but I’ve not dealt much with it. Revelations, though, does a little. Gretchen is on summer vacation, you see. The boys in the band are on a break and she decides she deserves one too. In her new house. She’s even got a pool. Mmmm, yes, take a look at the cover for Revelations then think of Archer in the pool. That’s in the book. It’s actually great fun and I’m very happy with how it turned out. Continue reading Summer Fun