Category Archives: book/story news

Reindeer Games series is now available at Amazon

Holiday greetings from someone who hasn’t raised her head out of the sand for a loooooonnnnng time. For that I can only apologize.

I meant to do this last year but obviously didn’t make it. But this year I did! The 3 books in the Reindeer Games series are now available at Amazon! The books are available for ebook purchase and via Kindle Unlimited.

Unlike the Heaven Sent series rewrites which I still haven’t finished, I didn’t attempt an alteration of the books in Reindeer Games. Except for a few minor changes that I doubt anyone but me will notice, the text has not changed.

Also, I guess I need to get some excerpts back up on the website, but that’ll have to come later. I’m already a week behind on the announcement so I thought I should get that up at least.

Enjoy! Happy holidays! And wishes for a brighter and better year next year, not only for myself but for all my lovely readers.

Hell is Coming Soon

I promise!

The manuscript is in the hands of a few trusted readers who said they’d get back to me soonest. I’m working on the cover this weekend. Then I need a mild edit to make sure that the grammar and punctuation are intact and it should be good to go! Aiming for the end of the month.

This one took awhile for various reasons and for that I can only apologize and curse real life. But I’ve already started reviewing Faith so hopefully that one won’t take as long.

Stay tuned…

Purgatory Remix – First Round of Edits Done

Okay, kids, I finished the first round of edits on the remix of Purgatory. Not quite ready to release. Got to get at least a few hardy souls to read it and check me on things like continuity and grammar, but we’re close!

The 40Kish book is now a little over 60K and most of that is Luc’s added scenes. Although, there’s quite a bit of tweaking of Reese too. I’m pretty sure the feel and spirit of the story remains, along with most of the original scenes, just most of it is… let’s say enhanced.

Stay tuned. This one will be available on Kindle just like Heaven.

Heaven Sent Extended Remix – the boys are back (almost)

About five minutes ago, I uploaded the “extended remix” of Heaven to Amazon.

Yep, the boys in the band are coming back. Johnnie and Tyler are imminent and the others will be along as soon as I do the remix of their stories.

What do I mean by remix? I mean that I went back in, smoothed some rough edges, modified some bits that I never liked and — *gasp* — added some scenes in Johnnie’s point-of-view. That’s right, for all of you who’ve asked and begged over the years, these scenes are for you. I hope you like them.

I’m not in charge of how quickly Amazon can get the book up on the site so I’m not sure on the “when”, but it’s coming. I decided to go ahead and make it available through Kindle Unlimited and the lending library as well. Some of you might get some use out of that.

I’m out of practice with getting the word out so bear with me. I’ll get the book page and except here updated in the next week or so then this old broad needs to figure out the social medias. But you’ve heard it here first!

It’s a New Year and Things are going to Change

For those who haven’t heard, Loose Id will be closing its doors in May of this year. This is huge for me. Dark Elves 1: Taken, my first published book, was release by Loose Id in 2005. Since then, I’ve published 37 stories with them. I’ve learned so much about myself in that time. From my darkly raunchy escapades in the fantasy world of a goddess and her elves through menages with shifters and witches and into homosexual rock stars, I’ve shared all sorts of romances and have been lucky enough to find an audience that enjoys reading them.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do now. Continue reading It’s a New Year and Things are going to Change