
Due to a brain that just wouldn’t function properly for the creative process, it’s taken waaaay too long for me to finish my latest project.


The last draft of Indigo Knights 3 is now done. There’s still work to do, of course. My editor hasn’t seen it and it hasn’t been scheduled for release, but I have to enjoy the pleasure of saying that it’s done.

What’s next? Probably IK4 but it’s too soon to think anything definite just yet. I’m going to surf the moment for a few hours…

One thought on “Done”

  1. surf away. I always like that ease o pressure when you can say “done”. The news makes me happy, though. I’ve bee saving the first two because I have a feeling I’ll want to devour lots of Indigo Knights at once before I’m done. If there’s slated to be fourth I might have to give in and read the first three, though.

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